Ground Beef

Spaghetti Sauce

Spaghetti Sauce

I’m not sure where this recipe came from. I remember my mother always made it. It’s quick and easy and freezes well.

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In a large skillet, cook the ground beef until no longer pink. Remove from pan. Add the olive oil along with the onions and garlic. Cook until onions are soft. Next add the carrots and celery cook until celery is soft. Return the ground beef to the pan and add the parsley, tomatoes, salt, pepper and Romano cheese.
Sprinkle with more cheese if you like.

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Taco Salad

Taco Salad

This salad is sooo easy. You really don’t need a recipe but here it is!

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Meatball Soup

Meatball Soup

We served this in our cafe and there was never any left. It's a hearty soup with a wonderful Italian flavor.

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This is not the goulash you might remember from the school cafeteria-thank goodness!

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Dutch Meatloaf

Dutch Meatloaf

The origin of this recipe is Pennsylvania Dutch. My mother made this often and was always a family favorite. It makes great sandwiches the next day.

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